Foundational Strength #2 (No Measure)
8 Minutes AMRAP (light to moderate intensity):
5 goblet squats
6 supine ring rows
10 burpees
*Increase the difficulty every round if you were able to easily go unbroken with previous round movement variations.
(No Measure)
8 minute skill workshop:
Skin the cat progressions on low rings. Attempt 3 reps or 3 progressions with spotter.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
E3MOM x 12 minutes:
Front Squat-
65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5+
1 set max reps @ 65%
*Record the total reps that you got for set of max reps @ 85% of your training max.
This is the start of the second cycle of the strength program:
Add 10lbs to your Squat/DL and 5lbs to your Bench/Shoulder Press and recalculate your training max.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
8 Minute Max Step-ups
*EMOM perform 5 Shoulder to Overhead Presses. Weight starts from the ground.
Rx =
Box that’s as close to your mid thigh as possible. Add plates to shorter box if needed.
70% Shoulder Press 1-RM.