West Little Rock CrossFit – CROSSFIT
(No Measure)
Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes (4 Rounds):
5 Push Jerks
10 OHS (2 second hold at the bottom of each squat)
*Start with PVC OR empty barbell then add light weight if mobility allows.
Push Jerk
Every 3 minutes for 21 minutes (7 sets)
Push Jerks
Sets 1-2
5 @ 75% 1-RM
Sets 3-4
3 @ 80% 1-RM
Sets 5-6
2 @ 85% or AHAP
Set 7
Max reps @ 70% 1-RM
(Record below)
*Record heaviest set of 2 that you completed
Scale =
Start with moderate load and then build to a heavy set of 2. Remove 20% from heaviest set to perform final set for max reps.
Push Jerk
Rx =
70% 1-RM
Scale =
20% less than heaviest set of 2.
Jeremy (Time)
Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#