West Little Rock CrossFit – CROSSFIT
Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM x 14 minutes
Odd rounds-
2-3 Muscle-ups (Or 5 Supine ring rows + 5 second hold in bottom of ring dip after last rep)
Even rounds-
2 hang power snatch + 3 OHS (choose the weight)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 stations of 2 minutes work/2 minutes rest (20 minutes total):
#1 Max Rep Russian KBS
#2 Dubs (Rx+) or singles (Rx)
#3 OHS @ 75/55
#4 GHD (Rx+)/Sit-ups (Rx)
#5 Row for calories
Score will be the total reps for all 5 rounds combined. Put scores for each section in the comments.
*Place band on rowing monorail at the point when your shins get vertical (~2 feet from the foot plate usually). This will prevent you from sliding the seat to your heels, which is the most common movement fault in rowing.