West Little Rock CrossFit – CROSSFIT
Jucha’s Warm Up (No Measure)
15 pogo hops
15 air squats
15 toe touches
15 Iron Crosses
15 small shoulder circles (fwd)
15 large shoulder circles (fwd)
15 small shoulder circles (bkwd)
15 large shoulder circles (bkwd)
15 Michael Phelps Back Slaps
15 OH shoulder touches
Single leg squat and push up complex
Push Press
work up to 70% 1 rm push press
E3mom x 18 min
Push Press x 5 @ 70% across all sets.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Emom X 8
Max un-broken WB shots
:30 on
:30 off
(no standing with ball)
*score is total reps