2014 Community Games Tomorrow @ 9:00 AM!!
1000m Row (Time)
Max Effort 1000m Row
rest 4:00
“Kettlebreathe” (Time)
KB swings (american) 53/35
rest 4:00
(M) -Short “5:00 amrap of dubs” (AMRAP – Reps)
5:00 as many dubs as possible
Metcon (No Measure)
1) Two-pause push press: 70% x5x6 sets – Pause in dip for 2 seconds and pause in head tilt 2 seconds finding ceiling with eyes
2) Back squat: 70% x5x6 sets
3) Hang snatch above knee with 2 pauses: load by feel x2x5, ending at no more than 80% of 1RM snatch – Pause 2 seconds above knee and 2 second in OHS
4) Snatch lift-off: 90-100% of full snatch 1RM x5x4 sets – Partial DL to above the knee using leg drive and acquiring vertical shins as bar lifts off