West Little Rock CrossFit and The Centers for Youth and Families have teamed up for the 1st annual Sweat for a Cause event!
Love CrossFiting? … Love Kids??? Why not CrossFit to help children in need?
On September 3rd, WLRCF and Centers for Youth and Families will host a Charity WOD to benefit children and families in Arkansas and accept donations of school supplies for our local returning students.
Looking back on my childhood, i took a few things for granted. Television, video games, a pool. I had it easy. Not to mention the things that (looking back now) I never thought were privileged , like after school care, writing utensils, clothing and adults to keep me from getting into trouble. Everyday Children go without these and many more things that are essential to their up-bringing. Not to mention hard-working parents who are struggling to make ends meet and provide a better future for their children than they had. The Centers for Youth and Families are working to make sure that Families in Arkansas receive the supplies and support that they need, to help build a brighter tomorrow for Arkansas Youth and Families. Come join us in this event to show our support, and do our part to help build a brighter tomorrow for Arkansas families as well.
What is it?
A Workout and Cookout event that will be hosted to benefit the Centers for Youth and Families in Little Rock.
Here are the details
-We will run workouts from 10:30 am -12:30pm.
– Burgers and hot dogs will be served on an on-going basis through out the event.
-The cost to participate in this event is just five bucks and all of the proceeds go to benefit the Centers.
-We will also have donation bins to accept donations of school supplies.
What to bring?
Bring yourself, bring 5 dollars, bring a lot of energy…the workouts are intense!
When is it?
Monday, September 3rd, 2012
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Where is it?
West Little Rock CrossFit
11519 Kanis Road Little rock, Ar 72211
Or more plainly…HERE
[googlemap width=”620″ height=”480″ src=”https://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF-8&q=crossfit+west+little+rock&fb=1&gl=us&hq=crossfit+west&hnear=0x87d2a134a11f569b:0x3405f5100df35b17,Little+Rock,+AR&cid=0,0,11698934425750587025&ei=1ZI_ULLbGJCFyQGczYDICQ&ved=0CIMBEPwSMAA “]
What WODs will we do?
We will have 2 Hero Wods run in heats of no more than 15 you may choose to do one, or both!
Two rounds for time of:
200 Double-unders
135 pound Overhead squat, 50 reps
50 Pull-ups
Run 1 mile
For time
95 pound Overhead squat, 21 reps
42 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
30 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 9 reps
18 Pull-ups
A word about the Hero Wods
CrossFit is quickly becoming “the training” program for our Military, Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters. Since day one CrossFit has embraced our men and women in uniform and they have chosen to honor the Heroes who gave their lives to keep us and our country safe. These CrossFit Hero WODs are some of the most intense workout experiences that you could experience. They have been conceived and are intended to be performed with intense effort, in honor of our fallen Heroes. Don’t think to your self, I can’t do that or it looks to hard. Instead focus on what you can do, scale where needed, and think about the Hero that has given their all for our freedom. Honor these Hero’s with your best effort.
If you would like to help or volunteer at the event, please email: [email protected]
See you there!
Dear Friends of The Centers,
I want to extend a personal thank-you to all of you who have supported our programs over this past year and the many years before. You are truly the reason that Centers is a special place for so many of our children and their families. Your contributions allow us to take the extra step in providing needed programming and support to make sure our kids and their parents have all they need to be healthy, happy families. Your donations may go to provide parenting skills to a young mother struggling with a child who has attention deficit disorder. It might be used to help us recruit mentors for children at risk of gang involvement, or even go to outfit a new Boy Scout in our scouting troop here at The Centers. Wherever your support is used, please know that we appreciate your help in giving all of our clients one thing, hope. Hope for a better life in a loving, caring family.
Doug Stadter
President & CEO, The Centers for Youth and Familie