Q- When should I show up?
A- Be sure to show up early, (9-9:30 am is recommended) so that you will have plenty of time and sign in and warm up. Centers for youth and family will address the audience at 9:45 am, followed by the WOD explanation, and the thruster ladder will begin at 10:00 am.
Q- can I bring friends and family to watch?
A- Yes! And we encourage you to do so.
Q- I registered for pro but I don’t think I will make the 12:00 time cap, can I switch to amature?
2 Answers on this one.
– we have lengthened the time cap in the pro division to 15 minutes to allow competitors more time to complete the entire wod.
– you may still switch from the pro to the amateur division and visa versa, at the sign in before the competition begins.
Q- Can we scale the movements?
A- in the amature, you may do:
*2x (160) single unders instead of double unders / (dis-regard Jeff saying 240 in the video, he is dum.)
*burpee- jumping pull ups in place of burpee pull ups from the hanging position. (see video)
scaling these moves will forfeit your ability to officially place and receive prizes
the video for movement standards is below
[youtube id=”v7ZNyYJYOHg” width=”620″ height=”360″]