Hit all three of the following before sunday 7/14/13
A.) back or front squat 4×9 @70%
B.) strict press 5×5 @ 70% “Core-tight, butt-tight!”
C.) deadlift 4×5 @ 80%
* if you have not completed CF total, do so and complete the strength with your % based off of your CF total lifts.
Every four minutes, for a total of six sets, complete:
135/95 lb Front Squats x 10 reps
400 Meter Run
Weight must be taken from the ground – no racks.
Scale to:
95/65 lb Front Squat x 10 reps
200 Meter Run
Record highest time only
* If you have recently done squats for strength, then sub KB swings x 20 reps