Hit all three of the following by 7/29/13
A.) back or front squat 7×5 @ 80%
B.) push/split Jerk 5×4 @ 130% of strict press “Core-tight, butt-tight!”
C.) Deadlift 4×5 @80%
* if you have not completed CF total, do so and complete the strength with your % based off of your CF total lifts.
100 Pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
for time
Juka”s WOD
A) 8:00 emom
2 DB Snatches (per casino jameshallison arm) 60# 45#
2 burpees
*add 2 reps to each move for every minute. Score is highest round completed.
B) Tabata 4:00 of 300lb tire flips
C) 5 rounds of 20 GHD sit ups
1:1 rest until you reach 100 sit ups