Main – WOD
Close Grip Bench Press (3-3-3-3)
Standard bench press form but with grip ~6 inches closer.
Spend 10 minutes performing 4 sets of 3 repetitions. Rest at least 2 minutes between each attempt (use running clock as a guide). Increase weight each set as needed.
*Make sure you have a spotter near by!
Wide Grip Bench Press (3-3-3-3)
Standard bench press form with grip ~6 inches wider than normal.
Spend 10 minutes performing 4 sets of 3 repetitions. Rest at least 2 minutes between each attempt. Increase weight each set as needed.
Jacked (Time)
For Time:
500m Row
50 Pull-ups
500m Row
Rx =
Unassisted pull-ups
Scaled =
Jumping pull-ups
Time Cap = 10:00
Cool Down
Accumulate 50 weighted sit-ups