Main – WOD
(No Measure)
EMOM x 10:
Rx+ =
3 weighted pull-ups @ 50% 1RM (start with 0lbs and increase as needed if you do not know your 1RM)
Rx+ =
3 jumping pull-ups with 3 second eccentric phase).
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM x As long as possible:
Odd- Row 10 Calories + (10/5) Push-ups
Even- 20 Dubs + 10 Air Squats
*Scaled =
20 singles instead of Dubs
Continue to perform until you are unable to complete the movements within the 60 seconds. Staggered start times may be used to accommodate for larger class sizes.
Cash Out
100 Banded Good Mornings