Main – WOD
Weighted Step-Ups
Barbell in high bar back squat position
15 Minutes to find 10-RM weighted step ups. Each step cycle counts as 1 rep (Ex. up with the left foot, then right, then step back with the left then the right = 1 rep)
Rx =
20″ Box
If you are not comfortable with stepping up with a barbell on your back then use kettlebells or dumbbells held at your side.
Straight Up Ballin’ (Time)
100 Shoulder To Overheads
*1 Med Ball slam at the top of the 1st minute then add 1 slam EMOM (2 on minute 2, 3 on 3, etc..)
Rx =
Weight taken from the ground to get bar onto shoulders
Rx+ =
Time Cap – 15:00