Happy Quitter’s Day

Happy Quitter’s Day!

Well, today is quitters day, but by the time you read this, it will be a little after. Jan 18th is the day where most people who join a gym on a new year’s resolution cancel their membership.

How many of those people knew they would stop their membership but signed up anyway because they were unaware of a better option?

There are big advertising budgets against us: multi-million dollar facilities that provide access but target those who need guidance, support, and a tribe to cheer them on while doing it.

Why don’t they know about us yet?

They don’t know because Crossfit still isn’t grown enough to be a house-hold name when it comes to talking about diabetes type 2.

CrossFit is doing real damage to heart disease, obesity, depression, anxiety, loneliness, and the cocktail of other ailments plaguing so many of our friends and family.

But we still aren’t there.

Greg’s solution to this problem? “Be great.”

Because being great gets attention and expands our reach.

Cream rises to the top. Not just when it comes to affiliates, but the industry as a whole, and the world as an ecosystem.

Our task is simple.

Be great.

Be professional in a landscape of pseudo-experts.

Be organized in an industry where many would rather tell stories as to why they are not.

We have a way to go, but we are already so much further along than most.

I’ll be writing to you on what I mean by that.

There are a lot of great things in store for the next six months at WLRCF, but they all lead back to one thing.

Being great.

Because if we can teach one person to change their health, then their husband will be affected. Their child will grow up with healthier humans for parents and carry on that example they had. That child can lead a congregation of one hundred to health and a better life. One of them can literally change the world with their own hands.

We have to be great. It’s not just about us.

I’m excited.

Talk soon.


What if Health was This Simple?

What if health was a monthly subscription we could have auto-drafted from our back It’d look like: If you want support and a group to

Guitar Center and CrossFit

If you walk into a guitar center, you’ll likely hear the sounds of a young kid fumbling imperfectly through Deep Purple’s “Smoke on The Water”

One. More. Time.

I have nothing to write to you today. As a writer, it’s the worst feeling, like a cheese-maker, moving to a town where everyone is


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


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