How sure are you of the limits you haven’t tested yet?
This year I made a goal to read 50 books.
As of last Monday, I was sitting at 39.
Confident Jeff factored in enough reading time each week to finish a book every eight days, but what he didn’t account for was a new career, unplanned travel, and everything else life likes to do on a whim.
I thought reading a book each week would be pushing my limits.
But since last Monday (and my realization I don’t have 11 weeks left in the year), I’ve added four books to my running total.
Because I am reading them straight through in one sitting…they’re not little ones either.
Until I saw a chance to test what I could make happen. I’d never sat down and really made an effort to read a whole book without breaking. But that’s what I’m doing. They took from two to four hours each.
The greatest feeling of reading a book straight through isn’t able to tell someone else I can do it. It’s knowing that I can do a lot more when put to the test.
The CrossFit Open.
Going a full week with no refined food.
Lasting 10 seconds longer in intensity in a workout.
If you haven’t tested it, how do you know?
P.S. Kiefer Vaughn did a marathon row (42,195 meters) at the gym this past Sunday. Did he think he could? Well, who cares? Now he knows.