“Will this get me fit,” Isn’t the question we need an answer to.
Lots of things will get us into better shape.
The question we need to answer is:
“Is this approach big enough to make a difference but small enough for me to manage?”
Every New Year, millions of non-gym-goers transform into gym-goes overnight.
And almost overnight, they transform back. It’s too big for most to manage.
Quitting cigarettes cold turkey, slam dunking a ball without having done a layup, winning gold in breakdancing at the Olympics without knowing the two-step.
All too big to manage.
What’s consistent is that the larger the change, the higher the risk of failure and the lower the chances of a difference being made.
We can arrange a morning walk; if not, maybe get 10k steps however you can in a day.
We can have one less cigarette every week until we reach one per day, then we’ll have demonstrated willpower to ourselves and decide if we want to stop. It may take a year, but it sure beats “quitting” for the rest of our lives.
We can practice dribbling, then free throws, you get the idea.
Have Fun,