Jingle Bell Rock Wods

“Triple 12”

All four athletes complete:

12 Squat Clean and Jerks @ 135/95 :: 16 @ 115/80

*12 Calorie Bike

12 Power Clean and Jerks @ 135/95 :: 16 @ 115/80


*10:00 cap.



-The entire team or individual athletes may scale as needed.

-All athletes will declare their weight/reps before the start of the heat and give their judge the order they are starting in.

-This order may be changed after the bike portion is completed to avoid excessive weight changes.

-Any weight changes to be made must be done by only the individual athlete who is working on that bar. No other athletes may help change the weight for another athlete at any point, or change the weight for the next athlete to come.


-The Jerk is a S2OH and may be done as a strict press, push press, push jerk or split jerk.

-A cluster is acceptable for the first 12 reps.

-On the bike, the monitor will be set to 0. Athletes must complete all 12 calories before moving off of the bike. Athletes may adjust their seat but may not touch the monitor…





-A1 does 12/16 squat c&j then advances to the bike, finishes 12 calories and waits for all 4 athletes to complete 12 cal bike.

-A2 does 12/16 squat c&j  ( as soon as the previous athlete ahead of them finishes) then advances to the bike (as soon as the previous athlete ahead of them finishes), finishes 12 calories and waits for all 4 athletes to complete 12 cal bike.

-A3 does 12/16 squat c&j  ( as soon as the previous athlete ahead of them finishes) then advances to the bike (as soon as the previous athlete ahead of them finishes), finishes 12 calories and waits for all 4 athletes to complete 12 cal bike.

-A4 does 12/16 squat c&j  ( as soon as the previous athlete ahead of them finishes) then advances to the bike (as soon as the previous athlete ahead of them finishes), finishes 12 calories

A1-A4 complete 12 power c&j one at a time ( as soon as the previous athlete ahead of them finishes) and cross the finish line. Time is called after A4 crosses the finish line.


  • Any reps not completed will count as :01 added to the time cap.


“Dec 25, 2018”


12:00 AMRAP

20 Synchro DL 225/155

18’ HS Walk (one works one rests) :: 25’ overhead db walking lunge 50/35

25 C2B Pull Ups (one works one rests) :: 50 Pull Ups  

18’ HS Walk (one works one rests) :: 25’ overhead db walking lunge 50/35



  • Individuals may choose their scaling option in any of the following order.
    • HS walk/ HS walk
    • HS walk/ Lunge
    • Lunge/ Lunges
  • The pair may split 25 C2B pull ups as they like or 50 chin-over bar pull ups at they like. All reps must be C2B or Chin-over bar pull ups, not mixed.
  • HS walks start with both hands behind the start line and must finish with both hands across the finish line. *There will be an interval mark every 3 feet. If the athlete comes down before crossing the 18’ line, they return to the previously passed  interval mark and start with both hands from behind it.
  • Lunges  start with both feet behind the start line with one db overhead and one in front rack. The Lunges will finish with both feet across the finish line and be completely standing up. There will be an interval mark every 5 feet. If the athlete fails a rep or brings either db from the Overhead /Front rack position before crossing the 25’ line, they return to the previously passed  interval mark and start with both feet from behind it.



    • Both partners do 20 synchro deadlifts.


  • A1 performs 18’ of HS walk or 25’ of walking lunge (one db overhead, one in front rack)


  • A2 performs 18’ of HS walk or 25’ of walking lunge (one db overhead, one in front rack) After A1 finishes their HS walk/ Lunge.



    • Both Partners split either 25 C2B pull ups or 50 Chin over bar pull ups


  • A1 performs 18’ of HS walk or 25’ of walking lunge (one db overhead, one in front rack)


  • A2 performs 18’ of HS walk or 25’ of walking lunge (one db overhead, one in front rack) After A1 finishes their HS walk/ Lunge.



*The pair repeats this for as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes.


“Down the Chimney”


For Time

“Team Karen”

150 WB shots

Directly into:

80 Calorie row

60 Lateral Burpees over the rower

40 S2OH 135/95

20 Thrusters 135/95


*16:00 Cap

Tiebreak= Karen Time

Scaled = 55 S2OH & 30 Thrusters @ 115/80



  • The Pair may split up 40 S2OH and 20 Thrusters @ 135/95 OR 55 S2OH and 30 Thrusters @ 115/80.
    • They may not work with a mixed load assignment. Ex: 135/80 or 115/95
  • The pair may split up reps as they see fit.
  • The minimum work requirement is 1 rep of each movement (1 cal = 1 rep).



  • Both partners split reps as needed, completing each movement before advancing to the next movement.
  • A tie break is noted after Karen.
  • Time is called after the last thruster or 16:00. whichever comes first.
  • Any reps not completed will count as :01 added to the time cap.


Naughty/Nice Rep List

Establish 1RM complex



1 clean + 1 hang clean + 1 S2OH (full or power)



1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch (full or power)


4:00 cap (each pair) 2:00 reset



  • There is no scaling for this workout.
  • The hang portion of each lift must begin from a standing position (no pulling from ground into a pause position)
  • Power or full is accepted.



    • Athletes will be allowed to pre-load bars.


  • M1/F1 have 4:00 to establish a heavy clean complex.


    • Only one athlete may lift at a time.
    • Only working athletes may change the weight of the bar.
    • There will be a 2:00 reset for All athletes to reset the bars and pre-load them to the starting load for M2/F2 to begin their event with.


  • M2/F2 will have 4:00 to establish a heavy snatch complex.


  • Only one athlete may lift at a time.
  • Only working athletes may change the weight of the bar.
  • The heaviest successful load for each lift is scored.


If you PR, go ring the PR bell 🙂 It’s tradition!


The 2025 Open at WLRCF

One of my early teachers, Scott Wells, told me, “Since you gain weight as you age, you need to get as lean as you can


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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