Main – WOD
(No Measure)
Movement Demo:
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
2K Row
140 Wallballs
80 Burpees
1K Row
80 Wall Balls
40 Burpees
Time Cap = 25:00
*Ideally teams of 3-4 people, with 2 people working at a time (except on the row). If there are less than 3 team members, then it’s 1 person working at a time and half of the total reps/distance. Non-working team members rest while partners work.
Cash Out
Rx =
3 x 10 OHS with empty barbell
Rx+ =
3 x 10 Snatch balance with empty barbell. Increase weight as needed, but no more than 50% OHS 1RM