Thanks so much for getting your 2020 answers to me.
I will be reaching out to set up a chat with you to review 2020 with you (unless we have already met).
Here are some important meetings/events to mark on the calendar for the first six months in 2020. Please plan your calendar accordingly.
Team meetings
Jan 25 – Team meeting 8:00 am
Feb 29 – Team meeting 8:00 am (Presenter: Chris Ransom Pain-Free Performance)
Mar 28 – Team meeting 8:00 am
Apr 25 – Team meeting 8:00 am (Presenter Series)
May 30 – Team meeting 8:00 am
June 27 Team meeting 8:00 am (Presenter Series)
Feb 15 – Swolemate Showdown 9-2
May 1 – WLRCF 8th Anniversary (Event TBD)
May 25 – Memorial Day Murph 9-12
You’ll be receiving communication from me on this email feed in the future in addition to the workplace group.
We’ll be communicating a lot more this year. To keep it professional, everything in the workplace group, meetings, and email needs to remain internal unless otherwise stated.
Thanks for being on the ship. I’m looking forward to building our future in our upcoming team meetings.