
Each member (“Member”) of West Little Rock CrossFit (“WLRCF”) shall receive instruction in group exercise classes and / or introduction session(s) (the “Classes”) supervised by qualified personnel subject to the following rules and policies. These may be revised, at the sole discretion of WLRCF and its Manager, from time to time.

Shrotcut to Cancellationn Policy:

  1. Failure to attend the Classes does not relieve Member of the obligation to pay the full tuition for the program or phase in which Member am currently enrolled.
  1. WLRCF may cancel a membership at any time for any reason. Member may cancel Member’s membership at any time by paying a cancellation fee equal to 60% of the tuition fee prorated to the remainder of the agreement. All discounts given will not be considered in the calculation of the cancellation fee. If Member wishes to cancel the Membership, Member must do so at least ten (10) days prior to the desired cancellation date by submitting a cancellation form on the bottom of the WLRCF homepage at www.westlittlerockcrossfit.com or going to www.westlittlerockcrossfit.com/cancel.
  1. Each membership, and all of Member’s obligations, both financial and otherwise, shall be effective and continue until terminated as set forth herein.
  1. WLRCF or its party designated may photograph or film any Member while that Member is on the premises of WLRCF or participating in any activity. Each Member authorizes the use of Member’s image, any and all such photos, video footage and/or video streaming for promotion, sales, publicity and advertising purposes for all media, including, but not limited to, the internet.
  1. Each Member has confirmed that he or she is aware and understands that (i) physical exercise, particularly WLRCF programming, requires physical exertion which is very strenuous and include a risk of loss of or damage to personal property and serious personal injury or death; (ii) the scope, nature, and extent of the risks and hazards involved in the activities contemplated by Member’s membership and participation in those activities.
  1. Each Member voluntarily assumes and freely chooses to incur any and all such risks of loss, damage, injury, or death, including, but not limited to, the risk of harms caused in whole or in part by the unintended conduct of WLRCF and its trainers.
  1. Each Member represents that the Member is physically fit to receive and participate in the prescribed course of instruction.
  1. Each Member acknowledges that he or she has been advised to consult with a physician prior to and regarding participation in the Classes and that the physician has confirmed to Member that I have no medical condition which would affect Member’s full participation in the Classes.
  1. Member has acknowledged to WLRCF that Member understands that RhabdoMember’solysis (“Rhabdo”) can occur when an individual’s physical activity is so intense that muscular cells begin to breakdown and the contents and/or remaining materials enter the bloodstream.

a. Rhabdo may be caused by many other systemic or environmental causes. However, Exertional Rhabdo can occur in athletes of all levels of fitness, resulting in muscle cell destruction. The skeletal muscle breakdown impairs kidney function as those organs are unable to handle increased enzymes that are released into the bloodstream. This induces severe physiological changes in the body. The symptoms of Rhabdo include muscle pain, stiffness and extreme weakness, darkening of the urine (similar to the color of tea or cola), decreased urine output, altered mental status, swelling of the body part involved, either with or without pain. A Rhabdo symptom is pain out of proportion to the amount of soreness that one would generally expect, often producing pain much quicker than one would expect after a workout.

b. Member has acknowledged to WLRCF that Member understands that any concerns on Member’s part that Member am experiencing any of the symptoms of Rhabdo require immediate presentation to a hospital for emergency treatment.

c. No third party, either from the facility or otherwise, will be capable of monitoring Member’s urine output or color, and it is Member’s responsibility to be continually cognizant of this symptom and all other symptoms and to monitor them in Member’s own body at all times. Member agrees that Member will remove him- or herself from participation and seek medical treatment of Member’s own accord should Member have any concerns regarding possible symptoms of Rhabdo. Member understands that statistically individuals most likely to experience Rhabdo are those who are in good shape by general standards or who were previously in good physical shape. This includes individuals who were prior athletes. Member acknowledge that often the more mentally tough an athlete is and the more athletic they were in the past or currently are, the greater the risk of exposure to Rhabdo.

  1. Member agrees to monitor him- or herself in a manner that is proportionate to the potential injury that can be occasioned by this condition. Member acknowledges and understands that Member is the only individual capable of determining if Member am experiencing Rhabdo symptoms. Member hereby agrees and does willingly assume responsibility for any risks that Member expose him- or herself to and accept full responsibility for any injury or death that may result from participating in this significantly demanding physical activity. Member, for him- or herself and on behalf of Member’s heirs, assigns, personal representatives and/or next of kin, forever WAIVE, RELEASE, DISCHARGE and COVENANT NOT TO SUE WLRCF and/or its officers, directors, representatives, partners, officials, principals, agents or employees, subsidiaries, or assigns, as well as their independent contractors.
  2. Member, in consideration of Member’s being permitted to participate in the Classes, for Member’s self, Member’s heirs, executors, administrators, successors, assigns and anyone else who may claim on Member’s behalf, waives any and all claims, liability and damages Member may now or in the future have against WLRCF, its directors, officers, instructors and staff and all persons acting under its authority and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, arising by any means whatsoever, including, but not limited to death, injury, damages to or loss to Member’s person or property of any kind whatsoever, no matter how caused arising from or in connection with Member’s participation in the Classes, however caused.
  1. Member further releases, remises and forever discharges WLRCF, its directors, officers, instructors and

staff and all persons acting under its authority and their respective heirs, executors, administrators,

successors, and assigns from and against all demands, claims, actions, damages, costs and expenses

arising from or with respect to death, injury, damages to or loss to Member’s person or property of any

kind whatsoever, no matter how caused, arising from or in connection with Member’s participation in

the Classes whether or not caused by, in whole or in part, the negligence or gross negligence of WLRCF.

  1. Member will hold harmless and indemnify WLRCF, its directors, officers, instructors and staff and all

persons acting under its authority and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and

assigns from any and all liability for any damage or injury to the property or persons of any third party

resulting from Member’s involvement in or presence during any of the Classes.

  1. Member will comply at all times with all rules and regulations of WLRCF and all instructions of WLRCF


  1. Member will pay a service charge of $20.00 for any payments 10 days past due. If there are three

payments which are 10 days past due during the period of this Agreement, Member agrees to pay the

remaining balance of the Agreement in full, in addition to any and all recovery charges incurred.

  1. If WLRCF is unable to process Member’s payment from the designated account provided by me, WLRCF

is permitted to use any of the other accounts information provided as many times and as often as needed

to replace the unpaid payments and service charges as explained in this Agreement.

  1. In addition to any rights and remedies it may otherwise have, WLRCF may terminate this Agreement

upon ten days’ written notice to Member if Member fail to comply with Member’s obligations under this

Agreement and do not cure any such failure within ten days after receiving notice of such failure.

  1. Failure to attend the Classes does not relieve Member of the obligation to pay the full tuition for the program or phase in which Member am currently enrolled.
  1. WLRCF may cancel a membership at any time for any reason. Member may cancel Member’s membership at any time by paying a cancellation fee equal to 60% of the tuition fee prorated to the remainder of the agreement. All discounts given will not be considered in the calculation of the cancellation fee. If Member wishes to cancel the Membership, Member must do so at least ten (10) days prior to the desired cancellation date by submitting a cancellation form on the bottom of the WLRCF homepage at www.westlittlerockcrossfit.com or going to www.westlittlerockcrossfit.com/cancel.
  1. The provisions in a Membership are as set forth in the Membership Agreement and in these policies, the

foregoing constituting the entire agreement between the parties hereto and superseding all prior

communications, proposals, representations and agreements, whether oral or written with respect to

the subject matter of this Agreement. Member acknowledge I have read and understand this Agreement,

agree to its terms and conditions, agree that the terms of this Agreement are clear and fair, and that

Member have entered into this Agreement willingly.

  1. Member’s rights and obligations are as stated above. Unless Member is a minor who has been granted

written permission by a parent or guardian who has guaranteed all obligations hereunder, Member

must be at least the full age of eighteen years (unless otherwise indicated below) who has read and

executed a release and waiver of liability.


What happens On Feb 27th

What happens in the open. Each Thursday for three weeks. Games.crossfit.com will release a workout for the entire world to do. On Friday nights 4:30pm-6:30pm

The 2025 Open at WLRCF

One of my early teachers, Scott Wells, told me, “Since you gain weight as you age, you need to get as lean as you can


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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