We Want Better Clients.

What makes a better client?

First, good people do not make better clients.

I cannot imagine Mother Theresa would be a good client for us, but she is still Mother Theresa.

In our eyes, better clients demand more of themselves and us. Demanding situations excite high-achievers; that’s us. Because of this, we can help clients achieve more.

Better clients are willing to be uncomfortable.

We have less of a sales process and more of a recruitment process.

Anyone can take your money and wish you luck. We cannot. Hiring us will be emotionally taxing for you.

When someone enrolls with us, they voluntarily expose themselves to effort and emotional upheaval. Why the emotional upheaval? Many would say, “Fitness isn’t an emotional thing.” Maybe so, but learning is, and learning requires us to be wrong about something and pay attention to what we’ve been missing so we can edit our actions until we’re right.

Children are great at learning. Most adults are terrible at it because they’ve developed an ego. Learning hurts adults because we must take ownership and responsibility for our mistakes and wrongdoings. Children do not.  

Better (adult) clients don’t “admit.” They accept that they have something to learn.

Better clients refuse to trade money for feeling like they did something.  

Better clients know that enrollment is the first step on a journey that will affect more than their feelings. It will affect their character, family, and friends, making them heroes to their tribe if they learn and become what they were always capable of and bring the lessons back to the village.

If you’re reading this, you’re one of the better clients. We picked you. You may not know this, but I refer people to other gyms and trainers every month.

They’re not bad people or even bad clients. They’re somebody’s “better client” but not ours yet.

For us, this isn’t a race to get the most clients or the most impressive equipment. It’s a dance with each individual that comes in, where by the end of the song, their life is improved, and by association, so has ours.


-Your Trainer.



The 2025 Open at WLRCF

One of my early teachers, Scott Wells, told me, “Since you gain weight as you age, you need to get as lean as you can


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


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