Main – WOD
50 Pull-ups For Time (Time)
Rx =
Unassisted Pull-up
Rx+ =
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Time Cap = 7:00
Death to Death (AMRAP – Reps)
Minute 1 Perform:
1 KB Swing
1 Air Squat
1 Double Under
Minute 2 Perform:
2 KB Swing
2 AS
2 Dubs
Minute 3:
3 KB Swing
3 AS
3 Dubs
Etc…. Until you are unable to complete all of the reps within the minute time frame. If you finish the set within the minute, use the remaining time to rest.
If you fail on the Double Unders then continue to the next round but perform just the KBs and ASs. Once you fail during the AS and KB (if it’s on AS that you fail) you will go on to the next round and just perform KB Swings.