While some of our coaches are very fit, that’s not why they’re coaches. It’s a trap to hire a basketball coach because he can slam dunk if your goal is to take a team to the championship.
“It’s not about what they can do, it’s about what they can do for you.”
The right person for the job may not have dunked a ball in 20 years, or ever. But he can organize and empower other humans. He may do both, but he won’t lack the latter.
Chad is a shining example of this. He wants you to do great things for yourself and is easily the loudest cheerleader in the room. He can’t talk to you without a smile. Can he slam dunk? I don’t know.
Actually, I doubt it quite a bit.
But he can clean 300lbs and pass me on a bike.
He can come back after stresses and events in life that would make most men I know, quit.
He can convince you that you’re important when you walk in the door.
And that’s what it takes to be a great coach.
When the character is there, we add the rest.
Our coaches are trained to:
✅ Have a Positive Presence
✅ Practice Empathy
✅ Teach Movement
✅ See Movement
✅ Correct Movement
It’s literally in our evaluations.