Your Standards Determine Your Happiness.

When a business owner brings me a tough decision they’re facing, My favorite question to them is, “What do you deserve?”

It’s all the important questions rolled into one. 

-What have you worked hard for?

-How many nights of sleep have you lost?

-How many times have you taken responsibility and given credit?

-When have you kept going when most would have folded?

You don’t only WANT to be healthy and happy. You DESERVE it.

You don’t have to EARN dignity. You DESERVE it. 

You don’t need to sacrifice what matters to you to make others happy. You DESERVE to have both.

It’s always simpler than it seems. But simple is hard, and It means setting boundaries and having hard conversations. That’s why we’d rather shroud happiness in complexity, endless self-help books, and constantly “figuring it out” instead of hard, simple action.

Complex is easy because we’ll never do anything with it. 

Simple is hard, and simple happiness requires setting standards for yourself that you won’t compromise. 


Get Pissed.

You need to get frustrated.  You NEED to feel like you have no clue what you’re doing and not run away from those moments. Something

There are no Silver Bullets.

There are no Silver Bullets. Only Golden BBS. What I mean is that people hire trainers because they want their problems solved. They want a

You Can’t Get Abs

From doing one sit-up. You have to get reps in. Over many months. Possibly years. And if you want to really see them, you’ll start


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!