Here are your results...

The Bullsh*t.

I told Chris the other day, “You know, when someone tells me they need to work out but don’t have time right now, for just

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What’s the difference between being attached vs non-attached to an outcome? Awareness. One way for you and I to swim across the English Channel is

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Poor Performance

When we perform “poorly,” we have two choices. One choice is to believe we fell short of expectations. Setting an expectation isn’t wrong. Quality is

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A Custom Toes-To-Bar Roadmap

I just finished writing this for a client. T2B Progressions Beat swing 2-3 x 6Kip 2-3 x 5Kipping Knee Raise 2-3 x 4Kipping Knees-point-to-bar 2-3

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We Want Better Clients.

What makes a better client? First, good people do not make better clients. I cannot imagine Mother Theresa would be a good client for us,

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It’s Not The Program

“Will this get me fit,” Isn’t the question we need an answer to. Lots of things will get us into better shape. The question we

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Making the Journey Easy

The workouts are hard. How can we coaches make the journey easy? We can do two things. We give you a map. Fitness plans and

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Scream, Aim, Fire.

The best example of 20% of your decisions providing 80% of an outcome is my intro program at West Little Rock CrossFit People are wowed

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Big Problem With Weigh-Ins.

This morning, I lost 3 lbs. But there’s a huge problem. I’ve been cleaning up my food and working out regularly for three weeks. I’ve

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Snake Bite. Ouchy.

Hey, A venomous snake bite cannot kill you. Once you’ve been bit, there’s no “un-biting” you. The poison that keeps running through you long after

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Health is simple. Its Work Capacity Across Broad Domains & Time. Work: Can you perform tasks that carry you into the future? Capacity: How much

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