INTRODUCING West Little Rock CrossFit

Meet the fitness experts ready to help you achieve your fitness goals at our gym.

ABOUT West Little Rock CrossFit

Our gym team of fitness and nutrition professionals are invested in your health. We make every decision with our members’ well-being in mind. Achieve your goals with us!



Jeff Jucha

Turning Point I've played sports my whole life and was always the "chubby, athletic" kid. I and my peers pointed to genetics and to make the best of it. After a car accident in 2004, My life changed.

I ate real food and remained active so that I could heal and return to sports. Through that experience, I learned genetics and being “born this way” was only a crutch so many of us used to not pursue who we can really become. The problem was a fixed mindset of “if you aren’t gifted, there’s not much you can do about it” – which was totally wrong. You can develop into who you want to be, and deserve to be. Since then I try my damndest to live my life with two core policies. 1) Be VERY active. 2) Use every minute you have. Motivation & Passion I love to see ordinary people do extraordinary things. My gym is filled with people doing just that. People redefining what fitness is. Grandmothers becoming fit to take care of their and husbands who require care. Women building confidence through strength, as they learn they can do all the things they were told they couldn’t, and oftentimes, better so than the people who told them they couldn’t. You don’t have to be good at fitness to be one of my tribe, but chasing fitness with us will make you a better human.


Book a Free Intro at West Little Rock CrossFit today. Chat with a coach to learn more about how we can help you reach your goals.


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