West Little Rock CrossFit – CROSSFIT
(No Measure)
EMOM x 8 minutes
Rounds #1 and 5
10 seconds in bottom of ring dip + 10 seconds in top of ring dip
Rounds #2 and 6
5 Wall therapy squats
Rounds #3 and 7
7 Jumping ring dip negatives
Rounds #4 and 8
10 Sots presses with PVC pipe
Metcon (Weight)
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 rounds):
1 Behind the neck Push Press + 1 OHS
(Return bar to high bar position on back)
1 Heaving snatch balance + 1 OHS
(Return bar to high bar position on back)
1 Snatch balance + 1 OHS
*Start light and slowly build to moderate weight
Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes (4 Rounds):
3 Muscle-ups
30 Dubs
2 Muscle-ups
20 Dubs
1 Muscle-up
10 Dubs
12 Pull-ups
60 Singles
8 Pull-ups
40 Singles
4 Pull-ups
20 Singles