West Little Rock CrossFit – CROSSFIT
This week we will be focusing on building the Aerobic engine. Keep a pace you can maintain and if you find yourself resting a lot, slow your pace so you can maintain a consistent rate of work.
Prepare For Squats! (No Measure)
15 Minutes Working on Squat Mobility:
Walking Knees to Chest
Walking Butt Kicks
Frankenstein Walks
Duck Walks
1 Minute Goblet Squat Hold with KB
1 Minute Couch Stretch with each Leg
1 Minute PVC Pipe Roll Out On Both Your Quads and Your IT Band.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
400m Run
45 Back Squats 135/95
400m Run
30 Front Squats
400m Run
15 OH squats