Hey, Fam!

There is a lot of Corona talk in the news. I wanted to know that we’re on top of it at WLRCF.

I am in contact with health officials and others in our industry and we continue to monitor the situation. We will rely upon the Arkansas Department of Health or other state agencies, as well as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the WHO for guidance.

At this time, there are no actions currently suggested for our operations and we look forward to seeing you! However, as recommended by the World Health Organization, we ask that you “stay home if you feel unwell … and follow the directions of your local health authority.”

We encourage you to seek guidance from health agencies for up-to-date information:

The Arkansas Department of Health COVID-19 update page

The latest updates from the WHO on the virus

The WHO’s recommendations for the public to reduce exposure

A live-tracker of the spread of the disease from Johns Hopkins University.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled dad jokes from Smitty!


Scream, Aim, Fire.

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Big Problem With Weigh-Ins.

This morning, I lost 3 lbs. But there’s a huge problem. I’ve been cleaning up my food and working out regularly for three weeks. I’ve


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