5 Ways Joining WLR CrossFit Will Make You Money.

1) Seeing results is cheaper than stagnating at the gym.

Seeing results from consistent and proven coaching costs less than stagnating on the treadmill. This January, thousands of people will join a gym (not a coaching practice like we are) and gain access to literal tons of equipment, locker rooms, and machines. But is there any connection between those things and noticeable changes in your body? The ruling is in, and it’s a hard no. 

The things that move the needle on changing your body are:

  • accountability
  • guidance
  • seeing frequent progress

That’s what we specialize in, and what separates us from gyms. 

Without those three components, thousands will outeat their efforts, find themselves spending more money on unnecessary supplements or nutrition templates that won’t be adhered to. Don’t be one of them.

In 2019 I dropped 5% body fat over nine weeks while spending zero extra dollars while doing it. I just showed up to group-coached classes at WLRCF and ate the food my coach told me to eat. I’m doing it again, starting on January 6th, 2020. I hope to see you in that group!

2) Energy and Immunity 

People who work out regularly are more productive at work than those who don’t, according to research published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. These same people miss less work. Physical fitness builds immunity and reduces many major health risks. Absences and decreased productivity can mean lost opportunities for advancement and lower-income. Bosses often look unfavorably upon those who are frequently out of work.

How much difference does one promotion make over the course of a career? A study in the Journal of Labor Research found that men who work out regularly make 6% more than their sedentary counterparts on average. For women, the numbers are higher. Women who work out regularly make 10% more on average than those who don’t.

3) Health Care

A 2012 study by the Journal of the American Heart Association showed a savings of $2500 per year for people that got adequate exercise adjusting that for health care cost rise of 5% per year (est) gives a 2019 savings of $3500.

Taking this a step further at WLR CrossFit we have routinely seen folks stop taking medicines because their symptoms have gone away. This is in agreement with their doctors and usually after achieving body composition and health goals. Some examples (30 day dose): Statins ($36-$600) , Metformin (extended)- $235-$1200, Xanax $60-$100. Most folks have health insurance but are still paying co-pays on these drugs.

4) Clothing

The average adult will gain about 2 lbs a year from their 20s through their 50s. What this means is that many of us have about 3 sets of clothes in our closet. What we currently wear, and probably one or two sizes smaller. When our clients are consistent and establish good nutritional patterns, we see them drop clothing sizes or have their clothes fit better. One caveat…you won’t be buying bigger clothes, but you may drop some bucks on the smaller cuter ones.

5) Spend less on Fast Food

Seventy percent of Americans eat fast food three times per week at an average cost of $12.50 per meal. Our clients who work on establishing healthy nutrition patterns cut that in half by planning ahead and preparing healthy, nutritious meals and snacks. An average savings of $18 per week is another $950 savings.

The key to finding an approach to fitness that’s affordable isn’t about a dollar amount. It’s being able to see the hidden costs you’ll be paying if you don’t.

Coaching isn’t just an investment in your health, it’s an astronomically cheaper way to live richly.


The Bullsh*t.

I told Chris the other day, “You know, when someone tells me they need to work out but don’t have time right now, for just


What’s the difference between being attached vs non-attached to an outcome? Awareness. One way for you and I to swim across the English Channel is

Poor Performance

When we perform “poorly,” we have two choices. One choice is to believe we fell short of expectations. Setting an expectation isn’t wrong. Quality is


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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