Member Spotlight: Eric and Alicia Wyles

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When did you first come to WLRCF? 

Alicia: July 2012
Eric: June 2012

How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first experience/WOD?

Alicia: We had just completed a 30 day paleo challenge and I had heard a little about crossfit through the paleo blogs. I was getting sick of running and needed a change, Crossfit seemed like the perfect workout to get me out of my rut.  My most memorable first workout was the first time I did Karen. I don’t think I could walk or sit without pain for an entire week.
Eric: In March or April of 2012, I was really down, feeling like I could not lose weight and get in shape. I had just ran the half marathon in March and running alone seemed to be getting me nowhere. I knew I needed to make some changes but I didn’t know what I was looking for. Alicia found the link to the West Little Rock CrossFit group on and sent it to me. I remember replying to her something like “thanks but that is too hard-core for me.” I put CrossFit out of my mind thinking I could not do it.
In May, we ran in Dino Dash, and during the kids race a couple was running next to us with their son. I noticed they were both wearing CrossFit t-shirts and they appeared to be in really good shape. It was during this race that my thinking started to change and I realized the only reason I couldn’t do CrossFit was that I hadn’t tried to do CrossFit. I still wanted to check it out but I didn’t know much about it. After the race we went out to eat at a restaurant downtown and replays of some previous CrossFit competition was showing on TV. I was amazed. I went home and found CrossFit on the espn3 site and I watched it all weekend. I think I watched every heat of every event of the 2012 Central East regional. This was before I had ever set foot in a CrossFit affiliate or even knew where one was located. I knew I had to give it a try and I went into West Little Rock CrossFit the next week and talk to Jeff. I started the Foundations class the following Monday.
My first workout was:
box jumps
air squats
push ups
ring rows
The time cap was 12 minutes and time expired on me before I finished the WOD. I had actually just finished the round of 12 when Jeff called time and he thought everyone was finishing the last round. I remember him saying “Good job, everyone made it” but really I was a full round behind the next person. (I don’t think I ever told him until now). It was the hardest thing I had ever done physically but I was hooked and I have been there week after week since then.

How many days do you cross fit? 

Alicia: 3 days on average.
Eric: Usually 3, once in a while I do 4.

What accomplishment are you the most proud of? 

Alicia: Not making excuses! Sticking with Crossfit for almost 2 years, I’ve got plenty to do with full time work, 2 young kids, and just life in general. Eric and I make it a priority to workout and take care of ourselves.
Eric: Probably my first time doing Rx Fran. I started from ring rows and barely being able to lift 45 lbs over my head, so working my way up to an Rx Fran was a huge goal for a while.

After a hard workout, what is your favorite meal?

Alicia: If I’m eating clean, a lettuce wrap burger (with bacon and avocado, of course!) and a baked sweet potato. If I’m indulging, tortilla chips with cheese dip and ice cream.
Eric: On a clean eating day, chipotle bacon chicken with white rice and avocado. On a cheat day, pizza.

On a Saturday night, where could we typically find you?

Alicia: At home on the couch catching up on tv shows from the week, if it’s after 9:00 I’m probably asleep on the couch. With 2 small children, that’s about as exciting as it gets!

Eric: At home watching tv or movies. Sometimes you may also find me photographing local roller derby bouts.

What is one goal that you are currently working on that you will accomplish before the end of 2014?

Alicia: My first strict pullup.  I’ve been working on this for awhile and it’s time. Also, I would like to lift 100 lbs over my head. I need to get stronger in my upper body.Eric: It is hard to choose because there are so many things I still want to conquer but picking one I would say handstand push ups. Second to that would be overhead squat > 200 lbs.

Is there anything else you would like to say?

Alicia: Crossfit is for everyone, try it out if you are on the fence.  It’s not about competition, it’s about getting out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to new limits. You’ll meet some great people and forge new friendships. It’s life changing.
Eric: CrossFit has been completely life changing for me. I have developed strength and confidence, I am happier with my appearance, I have goals to work toward now other than “get in shape.” I am learning how to move properly and take care of my body. I would recommend it to anyone. It isn’t too “hard-core” at all.


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