Olympic Weight Lifting Clinic

Of attendees felt our clinic was worth more than the attendance fee.








9 Lifters hit life-time PRs in our last clinic.






  • A 120-minute immersion weightlifting progression, technique, and attitude in PR’ing the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk.
  • You will walk away from this clinic with actionable steps, direction, coaching and a clear path to PR your Olympic lifts.
  • Optional 45:00 Lifting Session after the clinic to PR and be trained by our lifting coaches.

When: TBA

Where: West Little Rock CrossFit 11519 Kanis Road, Little Rock, AR 72211



  1. The 4 virtues of lifting
  2. The 12 key points to add to your technique in any lift
    1. Back and hips, feet, where to look with the eyes, bar path, aggression, proper gear, and more.
  3. The Golden Rule of Weightlifting
  4. “It’s Always about PRs”
  5. How to train
    1.  90% rule (where is the technique work?)
    2. The learning is done between sets
    3. How to build to a max
    4. What to do when you miss
  6. Snatch
    1. Snatch Progressions
    2. Warm up
    3. Barbell Practice with coaches feedback
  7. Clean 
    1. CleanProgressions
    2. Barbell Practice with coaches feedback
  8. Jerk
    1. Jerk Progressions
    2. Barbell Practice with coaches feedback
  9. Mindset 
    1. Man vs Pitbull and the 5th virtue of Lifting
    2. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
      1. Preparation vs Getting out of your own way.
  10. Lifting 
    1. 1RM Snatch 25:00
    2. 1RM Clean and Jerk 25:00

[button link=”https://wlrcf.pushpress.com/open/event/47aeec00549b27f30a76444a67104ce3″ type=”big”] Reserve Your spot[/button]

Your Coaches:

Duncan Mcnair

  • Coaching CrossFit since 2016
  • CF-L1 







Jeff Jucha

  • Coaching CrossFit since 2011
  • Affiliate Owner
  • Donny Shankle Weightlifting 


Scream, Aim, Fire.

The best example of 20% of your decisions providing 80% of an outcome is my intro program at West Little Rock CrossFit People are wowed

Big Problem With Weigh-Ins.

This morning, I lost 3 lbs. But there’s a huge problem. I’ve been cleaning up my food and working out regularly for three weeks. I’ve


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