The “R2D2 Scream Button.”

You can press a button online whenever you like to hear the sound of R2D2 go “AAAWOOOW! 

Tempting, I know. 

I’ve hit it more times than you want to know. 

37 times.

Anyway, how great would it be to have a button on your phone to hear exactly what you wanted to hear?

Now, for a better question. How great would it be to have a button on your phone to hear exactly what you needed to hear?

I haven’t found that button yet, though, R2D2 Scream Button is pretty damn close.

That button would not get pressed much if we had it. 

If we liked what we heard, we wanted it. If we didn’t like it but it resonated, we needed it. 

For me, pressing the button is accepting that what I want is about me, but what I need is for me. 

Most medicine is bitter going down. Most Diabetes II tastes like candy going down. 

…38 times.


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