West Little Rock CrossFit – CROSSFIT
(No Measure)
Bullet shoulder routine
Push Press
EMOM x 12 minutes (12 sets):
Minutes #1-3
2 @ 70%
Minutes #4-6
2 @ 75%
Minutes #7-9
1 @ 80%
Minutes #10-12
1 @85%
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
With a 10 minute running clock, perform-
Front squats with wallball
Every 30 seconds perform 7 reps (20 rounds)
Every 30 seconds perform 10 reps (20 rounds)
*Score is the total rounds completed (out of 20). If you fail to hit 10 reps in the 30 second window, then go to 7 every 30 seconds (record score as Rx). If you fail to hit 7, then go to 4 every 30 seconds (scaled).