West Little Rock CrossFit – CROSSFIT
(No Measure)
6 minute amrap (slow):
10 Russian KBS
10 OHS with PVC
40 Alternating singles
50ft straight legged bear crawls (or 1 length of the turf)
Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes (6 sets)-
Set 1-
5 @ 55% 1-RM
Set 2-
5 @ 60%
Set 3-
5 @ 65%
Set 4-
5 @ 70%
Set 5-
5 @ 75%
Set 6-
Max reps @ 80% 1-RM
*Record total reps performed at 80% 1-RM.
Scale =
5 deadlifts starting with moderate load and slowly adding weight each round for 6 rounds.
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Max reps against a 2:30 minute clock of:
300m Run
Max rep OHS with remaining time
Rest 2:30 minutes
*Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes total (4 rounds total). Record total OHS performed each round.
115/75, 95/65, 45/35