West Little Rock CrossFit – CROSSFIT
Prepare For Squats! (No Measure)
15 Minutes Working on Squat Mobility:
Walking Knees to Chest
Walking Butt Kicks
Frankenstein Walks
Duck Walks
1 Minute Goblet Squat Hold with KB
1 Minute Couch Stretch with each Leg
1 Minute PVC Pipe Roll Out On Both Your Quads and Your IT Band.
Front Squat (25:00 to work up to 90% and complete:)
ChrisFit Olympics – Pull ups (Scale= ring rows from parallel, 45* and 60*)
Perform 3 rounds of the following:
Max reps strict pull ups
Max reps kipping C2B pull ups
max reps kipping pull ups.
without coming off the bar
Rest 2:00 between rounds
*Pay close attention to your rep quality and stay engaged in the shoulder. this will not be a high-rep score. your goal is quality and keeping rhythm on kipping reps.
Cool Down
light jog while shaking out arms for 4:00