Five Easy Steps to Make Headway On Your Goals.

Prepare a note on your phone or pen and paper now.

  1. Write down ten goals that you would like to accomplish in the next 12 months.
  2. Ask yourself “If I could snap your finger and have just one of these goals accomplished instantly, which would it be?” Circle that goal.
  3. Forget the other goals (for now). 
  4. Write down what a perfect week of working on this one goal would look like for you, starting tomorrow. For each day list 5 things, you can check off as you go through your day.
  5. What is the hardest task on each day? Remove it. You only need to hit 80% of your perfect week to be in a completely different position with your goal.

BONUS: Want to make it real? Email your list to me or someone you want to hold you accountable. The one rule they have to follow is to message you each morning. “Are you going to hit your four things today?”


The Bullsh*t.

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Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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