Main – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Rx =
4 Rounds (not for time):
10 Wallballs
10 Air Squats
Rx+ =
30 Double Squat Wallballs (not for time)
*Double squat wall ball = 1 air squat before the ball returns.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM x 10:
Lateral Burpees over PVC parallette
Rx =
Even- 10 Lateral Burpees
Odd- 150m Row (Or 30 Dubs)
Rx+ =
Even- 200m Row (Or 40 Dubs)
Odd- 12 Lateral Burpees
Cash Out
Rx =
20 Ninja Jumps
Rx+ =
20 Ninja Snatches with PVC pipe or training barbell
*Ninja jump = start from knees and land in bottom of the air squat.