Main – WOD
Band Assisted Back Squat
Band Assisted 1RM Back Squat
Rx =
Green Band
Rx+ =
Blue Band
*10, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1 rep scheme. 4 stations (Rx men/woman, Rx+ men/women). Partner with 2-3 people around the same height as you.
Chips and Hips (Time)
For Time:
500m Row
40 Air Squat
30 T2B
20 Hang Power Snatch
10 OHS
Rx =
Rx+ =
20 Full snatches from the ground (instead of 20 PS and 10 OHS).
Cash Out
Accumulate 30 front raises + steering wheel with bumper plate.
Rx =
Rx+ =