Monday, October 28th

Main – WOD

Slow-Mo Deadlifts (No Measure)

Slow motion deadlifts at a light weight. There will be a 5 second pause at 1) mid shin 2) knee and 3) full extension before reversing the process. Repeat the process 5 times without coming off the bar (instructor will call out when to move to next position).
Use no more than 50% of your working weight. Partner up for this drill and alternate sets. You will go through the slo-mo cycle 3 times.

Borus (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Minute AMRAP:

15 Wallballs at the top of every minute, then accumulate as many deadlifts as possible with remaining time left in the minute.

*Your score is the total amount of deadlifts that you accumulate in 5 minutes.
Rx = 185/115

Rx+ = 225/135

There may need to be multiple heats run for this WOD. If so this will become a competition WOD where one heat will judge the other heat.

This is meant to be an all out sprint workout.


3 sets to accumulate as many strict pull-ups as possible. There will be a 2 minute rest in between each attempt. Record which band you used if you need to scale.


Scream, Aim, Fire.

The best example of 20% of your decisions providing 80% of an outcome is my intro program at West Little Rock CrossFit People are wowed

Big Problem With Weigh-Ins.

This morning, I lost 3 lbs. But there’s a huge problem. I’ve been cleaning up my food and working out regularly for three weeks. I’ve


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