Tuesday, October 29th

Main – WOD

Jucha’s Warm Up (No Measure)

15 pogo hops
15 air squats
15 toe touches
15 Iron Crosses
15 small shoulder circles (fwd)
15 large shoulder circles (fwd)
15 small shoulder circles (bkwd)
15 large shoulder circles (bkwd)
15 Michael Phelps Back Slaps
15 OH shoulder touches

Single leg squat and push up complex

Eccentric Muscle-Ups (No Measure)

If you are not comfortable with using the high rings or the bar then spend this time working on muscle up progressions from the ground on the shorter rings.
Spend 15 minutes working on eccentric muscle-ups on the bar or rings (starting from the top with elbows locked out slowly lower yourself back to the hanging position).

Fight Gone Crazy (AMRAP – Reps)

Rx =
Unassisted pull-ups

Rx+ =
Chest to bar pull-ups
Row for calories instead of double unders

Record total reps for each round during your 1 minute rest and add all them together at the end of the WOD. There will be 5 working sections with ideally no more than 3 people per section. The 1 minute rest station will be the 6th station regardless of where you started.
3 Rounds:

1 Minute Air Squats
1 Minute Double Unders
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Pull-ups
1 Minute Sit-ups
1 Minute Rest


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