Welcome to the Box!

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Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of functional fitness aka, CrossFit!

Here are just a couple of things we want you to know in your first month with us.

1. How to actually use a barbell the right way.


2. Answers to questions you’re probably asking.

  1. When can I come to class?
    1. You can come to any class that you plan covers. (12/month gives you access to 12 group CrossFit classes only. Unlimited gives you access to as many classes as you like and our open gym hours from 33o-530pm every weekday, 10:30-11:30 Saturday, and 3-4 pm Sunday).
  2. Can I do my own workouts?
    1. The best fitness you’ll ever get is being coached in class. We as people, like to do things we think we’re good at, this, unfortunately, leads us to be incredibly unbalanced. During class time, only class will be happening. If you have unlimited, you can come to open gym hours to get in before the evening rush or make up a workout you missed earlier that week. Open gym happens to the west side of the rings hanging from the ceiling.
  3. Where do I sign in?
    1. Use the iPad at the front entry by typing your name and checking into a class you are attending. This is super important, you cannot jump into the workout without checking in first.
  4. Can I bring my doggo?
    1. We love dogs! If you have Fido with you for the day, he can come to the gym under a couple conditions.
      1. Always on a leash.
      2. Must stay off of the blacktop (the GHDs are a great place to leash up) *please clean up dog hair.
      3. Must be quiet for our members, it echos in here.
    2. This is a very awesome and contingent rule that may go away if not respected. I don’t even bring my own dogs because they will bark.
  5. What if I need to change my account or cancel?
    1. Email [email protected], she’ll get you taken care of!
  6. How do I get better?
    1. Incremental lifestyle changes, made over time. Therapists are good too, but if you’re looking to get better at fitness, get abs, or master a movement, here are our tips from the coaching staff.
      1. Don’t miss workouts or skip the days that look too hard/ too boring/ too anything. Trust us, they are there for a reason, they make you better! At the very minimum, attend 3 classes per week.
      2. Eat the right amount of real food. We won’t lie to you here, if you only workout out and “eat pretty healthy” you’ll get nowhere. near as much out of this as you could if you learn and practice how to make nutrition work for you and not against you. Ask about our nutrition plans. 100% of the time, they work 1000% of the time!
      3. It’s not about Rx or who is better at anything here. Friendly competition is awesome, but no one needs to take it too far and base their progress on or compare themselves to others. At the end of the day, we’re all here to live more meaningful lives and have a great time, no one cares what Katrin Schwartzenfraser can snatch.
      4. Take part in our Bright Spot Friday!
        • Just hop on the group each Friday and ask yourself:
          • What’s something I can do now that I couldn’t do last year?
          • What’s something I’m proud or happy about since coming here? or just in general?
          • Who would I like to brag on at the gym?
        • Then, post about it! Practicing gratitude trains our minds to be abundant. The more good, you look for, the more good you’ll see, create and spread over time. It also shows you what your change and progress really looks like. This isn’t just a tip this a prescription from me as your coach. You want to become better, so check your footprints regularly to see where you’ve come from and where you’re going.
  7. Anything else?
    1. Just ask a coach or email [email protected]



See you in the box!




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Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!