Main – WOD
5 Minute Max Double Unders (AMRAP – Reps)
Perform as many double unders as possible in 5 minutes (or attempt as many as possible if you don’t have double unders yet)
Death by Overhead Squats (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Rx =
115/75 taken from the ground
Rx+ =
If you are not comfortable with overhead squats you may substitute them with front squats taken from the rack.
Start with 1 OHS at the top of minute #1 then rest for the remainder of the minute. Then perform 2 OHS at the top of minute #2 and add 1 rep each minute until you cannot complete the set within the minute (use any remaining time in the minute to rest once you complete all the reps)
3 attempts to find your longest L-Sit hold. Record your best attempt after you complete all 3 sets.