Main – WOD
Back Squat
Work up to a moderate/heavy set of 5. Then…
1 set max rep back squat. Record the weight used and the total reps in the nutrition challenge so as to calculate your new projected 1RM.
3 Sets Max Pull-ups
Perform 3 sets of max pull-ups
*1 minute rest between each round
Score will be the total reps accumulated for all 3 sets. 2 minute rest between each set.
3 Sets Max Hand-Release Push-Ups
3 sets to accumulate as many HRPU as possible. No longer than 2 seconds of rest at the bottom of the push-up. You can rest as long as necessary at the top of the push-up.
Score will be the total reps accumulated for all 3 sets. 2 minute rest between each set.