Main – WOD
Bench Press
*Partner with 1-2 people and help spot the person lifting if they are unable to complete a rep.
**10, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1 rep scheme. Rest at least 2 minutes before your final set.
Ego Check (Time)
For Time:
200m Run
10 Push Jerks
200m Run
10 Push Jerks
Rx =
55% Push Jerk 1RM
Time Cap = 6:00
*Use the prescribed percentages. This is meant to be a sprint so you should be using a challenging weight, but one that allows you to ideally go unbroken. If you want to go heavier than 60% of your 1RM then a 10 burpee penalty will be issued every time the bar hits the floor in the middle of the set. Hold each other accountable.
Cash Out
Rx =
3 sets max rep military push-ups (close grip with thumbs and pointer fingers touching, forming a triangle)
*1 minute rest between rounds. Scale with push-ups on incline using box. Record height used if scaled