Main – WOD
(No Measure)
EMOM x 10:
2 Deadlifts @ 60% 1RM + Band Resistance (Green/Blue)
*Partner up. Partner #1 goes at the top of every minute while partner #2 goes at the 30 second mark. Don’t use clamps to save time on weight change. Reps should be as fast as possible.
Ropes and Pulleys (Time)
For Time:
*20 Dubs after every round.
Rx =
Unassisted Pull-ups (or double the reps with jumping pull-ups)
20 Dubs or 50 Singles
Rx+ =
C2B Pull-ups
20 Unbroken Dubs (Start back at 0 if broken).
Time Cap = 10:00
Cash Out
Accumulate 15 single legged box squats to 20”/16” box with each leg.
Rx =
Body weight
Rx+ =
Empty barbell on back (weight as needed)