WLRCF 2019 Re-Open

2020 Intramural “THE RE-OPEN” Everything you need to know.

  • 5 weeks
  • 1 weekly workout done on Friday of each week.
  • Complete the workout during class on Friday OR “Friday Night Lights” Starting at 5:30pm.
  • Be entered into a team. This splits up the weeks so each team can share setup and potluck food!
  • Earn points towards your team’s overall score. The Prize
  • See all your hard work put to the test and celebrate how far you’ve come!

Registration: Monday, September 30th – October 10th

Any athlete who registers will be placed on a team by the Open Planning Team.

2020 Intramural Open Officially Starts: Thursday, Oct. 10th

Open Weekly Events

Friday Night Lights

Each Friday WLRCF will host a Friday Night Lights event where all participants will have the opportunity to participate in heat to complete the weekly Open workout. Heats will be pre-arranged. This event will run from approximately 6:30 pm-8:30 pm.

  1. Come in and sign up to workout in a heat. (you must be present to do this, you may only sign yourself up)
  2. Sign up to judge a heat
  3. Have a blast.

Dates: 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8

Misc. Details

  • Participants do not need to be able to attend every week in order to participate.
  • If participants are traveling during the Open they can try to make arrangements to complete the weekly Open workout at another CrossFit gym. They will need to reach out to the other gym to confirm details. They are not required to be judged, however, once they complete the workout they need to message their captain to confirm that they completed the workout.
  • The team leader board will be posted each week at the gym to show the overall team standing throughout the competition.
  • Members with unlimited membership may do the open during Open Gym on Saturday or Sunday during open box, but they must coordinate their own Judge.

Team Point System

  • 1 point for every athlete who completes a given Open workout.
  • 1 point for their team by completing the weekly spirit award survey (sent out each Friday night) This is how we track points.
  • 2 points by judging at least one heat during FNL
  • 1 point for every athlete who finishes among the top 3 women or top 3 men in the gym per workout in each division (Rx & Scaled).**
  • 5 points for taking & completing the Open Judges Course***
  • 5 points for doing a weekly team social media check-in to the gym post with either a picture or video. One per team.
  • 5 points if one of their members win the weekly “Spirit of the Open” award on any given week (in the weekly survey).

**Previous Judge courses will get 5 points for their team.

5 Teams: 

AK Dake

Jessie Hornbrook

Chad Cumming

Peter Iaboni

Alex Backholm

So now what do you do?.

Register on Games.crossfit.com

Keep an eye on the facebook group and email for updates and announcements from our team captains and staff!

Keep an eye on your email for our shirt design by Jessie Hornbrook! You can pre-order and they will be in around the middle of the open.

Let’s celebrate your fitness.




The 2025 Open at WLRCF

One of my early teachers, Scott Wells, told me, “Since you gain weight as you age, you need to get as lean as you can


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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