Tuesday, June 17th

Main – WOD

Bench Press

*Partner with 1-2 people and help spot the person lifting if they are unable to complete a rep.

**10, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1 rep scheme. Rest at least 2 minutes before your final set.

Ego Check (Time)

For Time:
200m Run
10 Push Jerks
200m Run
10 Push Jerks
Rx =
55% Push Jerk 1RM

Time Cap = 6:00

*Use the prescribed percentages. This is meant to be a sprint so you should be using a challenging weight, but one that allows you to ideally go unbroken. If you want to go heavier than 60% of your 1RM then a 10 burpee penalty will be issued every time the bar hits the floor in the middle of the set. Hold each other accountable.

Cash Out

Rx =
3 sets max rep military push-ups (close grip with thumbs and pointer fingers touching, forming a triangle)

*1 minute rest between rounds. Scale with push-ups on incline using box. Record height used if scaled


Get Pissed.

You need to get frustrated.  You NEED to feel like you have no clue what you’re doing and not run away from those moments. Something

There are no Silver Bullets.

There are no Silver Bullets. Only Golden BBS. What I mean is that people hire trainers because they want their problems solved. They want a

You Can’t Get Abs

From doing one sit-up. You have to get reps in. Over many months. Possibly years. And if you want to really see them, you’ll start


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!