Metcon (No Measure)
Fitness &
20 unbroken overhead lunges 85/65# (walking)
4×20 @ 0:60 rest
Metcon (Time)
Fitness –
Breathing work
1 KB swing, 1 breath
2 KB swing, 2 breaths
3 KB swing, 3 breaths…continue until you reach 10 KB swings.
*Perform 10 air squats at the top of every minute
*Unbroken sets preferred.
1 C&J, 1 Breath
2 C&J, 2 Breaths
3 C&J, 3 Breaths…continue until you reach 6 C&J.
rx 135/95
rx+ 165/115
*Perform 10 air squats at the top of every minute
*Unbroken sets preferred.