Today we start a new strength cycle. If you are in the fitness category, I recommend you come to the box 3-5x week on various days. If you follow performance, I recommend you come in on Mon-Wed-Fri and 1 extra day for a Met-con
1. Jerk grip strict press with head tilt: 4 X 10 load by feel. –the 7th through the 10th rep should suck Rest @ :90
2. Front squat: 70% x5x6 sets – Relaxed hands and high elbows Rest @ :90
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3. Tabata – Sit ups, plank, toes to rig, air squats
1. Jerk grip strict press with head tilt: 60% x10, 65% x10, 70% x10, 75% x8 – Chin up and eyes find the ceiling on each rep
2. Front squat: 70% x5x6 sets – Relaxed hands and high elbows
3. Hip clean: load by feel x3x5-7 sets – Emphasis on vertical torso and straight extension through the shoulders
4. Clean lift-off: 90-100% (% of full clean) x5x4 sets – Partial deadlift (DL) to above the knee using leg drive and acquiring vertical shins as bar lifts off