Metcon (No Measure)
1) Power clean above knee + front squat: load by feel 7X3 – Emphasis is on getting shoulders over bar, knees back with vertical shins, and straight extension through pull
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 Wall Ball, 20/14
12 Box Jump, 24/20
9 Pull ups
rx+ CTB pull ups
Metcon (No Measure)
1) Power clean above knee + front squat: load by feel 7X3 – Emphasis is on getting shoulders over bar, knees back with vertical shins, and straight extension through pull
2) Clean-grip deadlift: 80% x5x6 sets (percentage of estimated 1RM of quality Cean)
3) Split jerk with 2 pauses: 60-70% x2x6 sets – Pause in dip for 2 seconds and pause in head tilt 2 seconds, finding ceiling with eyes